Best Interests of the Child Factors | Wyoming
Whenever a divorce, separation, or annulment of marriage is granted, or when paternity is established, the Wyoming Statutes may make by decree or order any disposition of the children that
Whenever a divorce, separation, or annulment of marriage is granted, or when paternity is established, the Wyoming Statutes may make by decree or order any disposition of the children that
When determining legal custody and periods of physical placement, the court will take into account all relevant factors that are important to the child's best interests. The court may not
West Virginia law finds and declares that it is the public policy of this state to ensure that the best interests of children are the major focus of the court
Washington Rev Code § 26.09.002 states the determination and allocation of parental responsibilities in any proceeding between parents shall be based on the child's best interests as determined by the
According to Virginia Code, in any case involving minor children, whether in circuit or district court, the court shall provide early adjudication, after proper review of all the circumstances, of
Vermont law has removed the term "custody" in favor of "parental rights and duties." Similarly, the legislature renamed "visitation" "parent-child contact." The goal of these revisions is to eliminate the
Under the Utah State Code, there is a rebuttable presumption that joint legal custody is in the best interest of the child. A presumption in favor of joint legal custody
Under the US Virgin Islands Code, a rebuttable presumption that it is in the best interest of the child to reside with the parent who is not the perpetrator of
Under the Tennessee Code, custody determination for a minor child shall be made on the basis of the child's best interests in any action for annulment, divorce, separate maintenance, or
When a divorcing couple has a disagreement about child custody, South Dakota judges are advised to make "balanced and methodical" determinations about the arrangement that is in the child's best
The court must take into account the child's reasonable choice for custody. The court will examine the preference of the child in view of his or her age, experience, maturity,
Rhode Island legislators never defined the considerations that should be considered by courts when determining what is in a child's best interest. Thus, the Rhode Island Supreme Court enumerated numerous